Council estate terraced house - fully integrated design, providing electrical and water access, bin store, bike shed, front gate
A typical Bikebox for the front garden enclosure, creating extra storage for bikes, bins and buggies
We work with our clients to determine the finish that suits them.
We can design and arrange fabrication on elements to complete your steel garden design: steps, perimeter walls, gates
We offer planting suggestions and can select, deliver, plant and provide on-going maintenance of your Bikebox garden
We are a London-based bespoke design service. If you have a constrained site, extra-large bike or other bespoke requirement, we can advise and design a suitable solution.
Bikebox is a Bikebox Works product. Designed in London, made in the UK. Copyright © 2017 Bikebox - All Rights Reserved.
Bikebox Works Ltd registered in England and Wales 12004010
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please note - we will be ‘off-line’ in September. We will do our best to respond to emails but unable to take calls.
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